
From the ModMail team we are proud to be able to show you users' reviews.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Their hosting prices are very low, much lower than buying a Hosting by yourself or a VPS. It is fantastic as the part that users see is fully customizable, although it would be nice if it could also be customizable the part that only the staff sees, but it is not necessary. The bot is great, really useful, everything is organised within the server, and it is incredibly easy to set up following the guide, where you can find for relevant information about the ModMail's functions. 10/10
Translated from Spanish


A ModMail is a bot that makes private communication between the staff and the users of a server an easy process. In this case, I got to a server in love with stickers, that I had recently discovered, but I tried out the ModMail bot and since that day I cannot refrain from using it. All my friends have their own ModMail. It is easy to create one from the video tutorial (which is in Spanish). It also has a documentation in which all commands are explained as well as how to create your ModMail from scratch. Moreover, if you have any concern you can join the support server, where you will receive assistance from people that know what they are doing and that will help as soon as possible.
Translated from Spanish

! dirquelᴾᶻ#4213

The ModMail is used to communicate with the staff privately. In this case, you DM the bot, and it creates a channel in the server with your name, and from there, the staff is able to interact with you through the bot. Its configuration in simple, and everyone can have their own ModMail hosted on Heroku (following the guide) or hosted by TutoClub for a low price during 6 months or 1 year. It is a really useful tool and with many utilities. Perfect to be used both in small friends servers and in large communities.
Translated from Spanish


I love this bot in general, it is super easy to configura and use, the only bad thing is Heroku, which is a bad hosting, but I cannot complain about that as it has nothing to do with the developers nor the bot. I also love that the support workers and the owner himself are always trying to help.
Translated from Spanish