Configuration Commands

Having a well configured ModMail is essential for a proper personalized usage. Here you have the different commands to configure permissions, texts, images, etc.

+permission {levelName / commandName} <add / remove> {role ID / userID}

Sets a particular permission for a level or command to the specified role or user.
The available level names are: REGULAR, SUPPORT and ADMIN.

If you use a level name, the specified user or role will be able to use all commands requiring that permission and below.
However, you can also specify a command name, in order to only provide permissions to that specific command.

  • Usage example:
    +permission ADMIN add 1234567890 - Gives ADMIN (full) permissions to the ID (1234567890), being either a role or a user.
    +permission reply remove 2323445662 - Removes permissions to use the reply command to the ID (2323445662), being either a role or a user. To do so, it should have been previously added.

    If you want a permission to affect every member, you can use the server ID.

  • Permission: ADMIN

+set {key} {value}

Changes most of the bot's parameters. Below you have a table with all the available options for the key field.
For the value, just send the appropriate text corresponding the description.

avatarattach an image and it will change your bot's avatar.
usernamechanges your bot username, not the nickname.
prefixchanges your bot's prefix.
categorysend the ID of the category where you want new threads to be opened.
logssend the ID or mention the channel where you want your logs to be sent on thread closure. Use none to disable them.
statuschanges your bot status.
status_typechanges your bot type to: playing, streaming, listening, watching, competing. If you select streaming, provide a Twitch user or YouTube video/stream URL.
notificationsend the ID or mention the role you want to get pinged on thread creation. Use none if you do not want to ping any role.
account_agethe age an account needs to have in order to be able to open a thread. Use 0 to disable it. The format is, for example, 3w for three weeks, 1d for one day, 10m for ten minutes, etc.
guild_agethe time an account needs to have been inside the server in order to be able to open a thread. Use 0 to disable it. The format is, for example, 3w for three weeks, 1d for one day, 10m for ten minutes, etc.
guild_age_idthe server ID where someone needs to have the required guild_age. If not configured, uses the server where threads are opened.
exclude_internal_logsset to true if you do not want to log internal messages.
embed_creation_titlethe title of the embed sent to the user when the thread is opened.
embed_creation_thumbnailthe thumbnail of the embed sent to the user when the thread is opened.
embed_creation_descriptionthe description of the embed sent to the user when the thread is opened.
embed_creation_colorthe color (hex code) of the embed sent to the user when the thread is opened.
embed_creation_footer_textthe footer of the embed sent to the user when the thread is opened.
embed_creation_footer_imagethe footer image of the embed sent to the user when the thread is opened. Use none to disable it.
embed_contact_titlethe title of the embed sent to the user when the thread is created by a staff member.
embed_contact_thumbnailthe thumbnail of the embed sent to the user when the thread is created by a staff member.
embed_contact_descriptionthe description of the embed sent to the user when the thread is created by a staff member.
embed_contact_colorthe color (hex code) of the embed sent to the user when the thread is created by a staff member.
embed_contact_footer_textthe footer of the embed sent to the user when the thread is created by a staff member.
embed_contact_footer_imagethe footer image of the embed sent to the user when the thread is created by a staff member. Use none to disable it.
embed_reply_colorthe color (hex code) of the embed sent to the staff when a staff member replies to the user.
embed_userReply_colorthe color (hex code) of the embed sent to the user when a staff member replies to the user.
embed_userReply_footer_textthe footer of the embed sent to the user when a staff member replies to the user ($role$ will be replaced by the staff's highest role).
embed_userReply_footer_imagethe footer image of the embed sent to the user when when a staff member replies to the user.
embed_closure_titlethe title of the embed sent to the user when the thread is closed.
embed_closure_thumbnailthe thumbnail of the embed sent to the user when the thread is closed.
embed_closure_descriptionthe description of the embed sent to the user when the thread is closed.
embed_closure_colorthe color (hex code) of the embed sent to the user when the thread is closed.
embed_closure_footer_textthe footer of the embed sent to the user when the thread is closed.
embed_closure_footer_imagethe footer image of the embed sent to the user when the thread is closed. Use none to disable it.
embed_staff_titlethe title of the embed sent to the staff when the thread is opened.
embed_staff_colorthe color (hex code) of the embed sent to the staff when the thread is opened.
  • Usage example:
    +set status DM to get help! - Changes the bot status to DM to get help!.

  • Permission: ADMIN

  • Alias: s

  • Tip: You can use variables at the description of creation and closure embeds. $logID will be replaced with the ID of the log/thread and $member with the username of the user.

+alias <add / remove> {alias name} {command name}

Allows you to set up aliases for your commands, customizing how you trigger them.

  • Usage example:
    +alias add rep reply - Makes the "command" rep an alias of the command reply, providing it with the same functionality.

  • Permission: ADMIN

  • Alias: aliases

+snippet <create / edit> {name} {content}

Allows you to create or edit a snippet or predefined message you can use to reply in threads as if they were separate commands.
If the snippet name begins with anon_ it will be sent as an anonymous reply when sent.

  • Usage example:
    +snippet create welcome Welcome to our support server, what can we help you with? - Creates a snippet named welcome. Whenever you use the command +welcome the selected text will be automatically sent.

  • Permission: ADMIN

  • Aliases: qr, quickreply

+snippet delete {name}

Deletes the specified snippet.

  • Usage example:
    +snippet delete welcome - Deletes the welcome snippet.

  • Permission: ADMIN

  • Aliases: qr, quickreply

+snippet list

Shows you all current available snippets.

  • Usage example:
    +snippet list

  • Permission: ADMIN

  • Aliases: qr, quickreply

+category add {name} {categoryID}

Adds a category to your server's category list. See more info at the move command.

  • Usage example:
    +category add main 12343545674788366

  • Permission: ADMIN

+category remove {name}

Removes a category from your server's category list. See more info at the move command.

  • Usage example:
    +category remove main

  • Permission: ADMIN

+category list

Shows your server's category list. See more info at the move command.

  • Usage example:
    +category list

  • Permission: ADMIN