Conversation Commands

Here you have all commands related to user-to-staff conversations, a.k.a. threads.

+reply {content} Thread Only

Sends a reply to a thread.

  • Usage example:
    +reply Do you need anything else?

  • Permission: SUPPORT

  • Alias: r

+areply {content} Thread Only

Sends a reply to a thread without letting the recipient know who wrote the message.

  • Usage example:
    +areply Do you need anything else?

  • Permission: SUPPORT

  • Alias: anonreply

+close [scheduled time] [reason] Thread Only

Closes a thread. If a scheduled time is provided, it is closed after the time has passed. If you provide a reason, it will override the default embed description.
The format for the scheduled time is, for example, 3w for three weeks, 1d for one day, 10m for ten minutes, etc.

  • Usage example:
    +close - Regular and immediate closure.
    +close 2h - Regular closure after 2 hours.
    +close See you soon - Immediate closure with the specified message.
    +close 2h See you soon - Closure after 2 hours with the specified message.

  • Permission: SUPPORT

  • Alias: c

+edit {messageID} {new content} Thread Only

Edits a message sent by the bot. The provided ID must be the ID of the message sent by the bot (the one with the embed), and it must be a staff reply.

  • Usage example:
    +edit 12345678900987 Hey, this content is better :)

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+delete {messageID} Thread Only

Deletes a message sent by the bot. The provided ID must be the ID of the message sent by the bot (the one with the embed), and it must be a staff reply.

  • Usage example:
    +delete 12345678900987

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+subscribe Thread Only

Notifies you of every new recipient reply on the thread.

  • Usage example:

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+unsubscribe Thread Only

Stops notifying you of every new recipient reply on the thread.

  • Usage example:

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+contact {user} Thread Only

Creates a thread with the specified user.

  • Usage example:
    +contact 1234567890098
    +contact @Mail#7071

  • Permission: SUPPORT

  • Alias: open

+id Thread Only

Sends the ID of the recipient.

  • Usage example:

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+title {title / "removetitle" } Thread Only

Sets a title for the thread, displayed on the logs.

  • Usage example:
    +title Important conversation - Sets the title to Important conversation.
    +title removetitle - Deletes the title.

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+note {content / "removenote" } Thread Only

Sets a note for the thread, displayed on the logs.

  • Usage example:
    +note This user is really kind :D - Sets the note to This user is really kind 😄.
    +note removenote - Deletes the note.

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+nsfw Thread Only

Toggles a channel to NSFW or turns it off if it was enabled.

  • Usage example:

  • Permission: SUPPORT

+rename {name} Thread Only

Changes the name of a thread.

  • Usage example:
    +rename Special-ticket

  • Permission: ADMIN

+blacklist <add / remove> [user]

Changes the blacklist status of a member. If it is run in a thread, the recipient is blacklisted/unblacklisted. If not, you need to provide a user.

  • Usage example:
    +blacklist add - In a thread, blacklists the recipient.
    +blacklist remove 1231943214 - Outside a thread, removes the specified user from the blacklist.

  • Permission: ADMIN

  • Alias: bl

+userlogs {userID}

Gets all previous logs of the specified user ID.

  • Usage example:
    +userlogs 123890090934334

  • Permission: SUPPORT

  • Alias: logs

+move {category name} Thread Only

Moves this thread to a category previously configured under that name. This can be used to create a system where tickets correspond to different support teams.
The channels will sync to the category's permissions.

  • Usage example:
    +move main
  • Permission: ADMIN